2 truths 1 lie - all vibes


Zina is an aspiring artist with a refreshing sensual voice that can be felt throughout her music. taking an experimental approach to the genre of R&B as well as Neo-Soul, you can really connect with the raw essence of her music that will have you vibing effortlessly with the music the second you hit play. Zina isn’t afraid to explore new ways to connect with her listeners drawing inspiration from life around her as well as some of her most vulnerable experiences. I listened to this project 2 truths 1 lie and immediately knew what this was about and I have gotta say I was thoroughly impressed!

How would you describe the music you typically create nowadays?

I don’t feel I work best when I pressure myself or my producers to “make a hit” but rather create a vibe that will show in the song we create in that moment. It’s kind of how this project came to be. I was locking in with Alej in his freezing basement, drinking hot coffee, hot tea, and putting films on the TV as he was making melodies and I was writing. Coraline was playing while making the melody of “flourish”. I’ve always loved the movie Coraline because I related to Coraline’s sense of exploration and need for admiration. I guess I was talking to Alej about that while watching, and that’s when I started writing the first lines of “flourish”-they try to press my buttons, but I’ll never let them get too under my skin, because my vibe is undying. But despite my vulnerability and hunger for love, I won’t settle for an illusion of it. Just like Coraline, she’d rather save the other lost souls than sell hers. I’d like to do that. I guess after making “flourish”, me and Alej were really on that ambient, 80s throwback vibe, and I was subconsciously making a theme in my head.

What is your creative process like and how did that play out on the project ?

My creative process works on impulse most of the time. Making  “MOST GUYS” I wanted it to be similar to “flourish” by expressing a dark feminine energy into the narrative, but more so coming from my own specific perspective. We recorded and wrote “MOST GUYS” the next day after “flourish”, the lyrics way more impulsively written than “flourish” lyrics. I wanted it to be as real as possible, even if that makes me appear toxic. I think all of us are toxic in different ways, especially when it comes to understanding the concepts of love. We don’t live in a system where love is a priority of our society’s growth, so we spend a lot of our youth trying to seek it through illusions, somewhat like the American dream. I guess that’s what “MOST GUYS” tries to express, through my own self-conversation, in that I used to not follow my gut, abandoning the warnings my body sent me that were about certain situations and people with ill and greedy intentions. Sometimes, I’d rather stay in the blissful ignorance of wanting to feel and receive love, instead of actually learning and being in true love, because to really learn love is a painfully elevating and exhausting journey, and I guess I’m not entirely ready for that. I feel a lot of people my age feel that way too.

What Is The Message You Wish Listeners To Take Away From The Track?

What I’d like people to take away from this, is that even when we feel this certain way, there’s no harm in trying to be better-trying to find a healthier version of love for yourself, however you may do that. There’s a safety in being vulnerability despite the risk, in that there’s no reason to regret your need for love, whether it be you venting to your friend, allowing romance into your life, or sharing your journal entries to the world just so maybe there’s someone else out there who’d like to relate to you. That’s why I added a cover to the project, remade by Gavin and I. I was inspired by “Lovin’ You” by Minnie Riperton, as she wrote this song with the intention of pouring her entire heart out without any shame. That’s how it should be-being real with your flaws, facing your shadow, your dark side, but choosing love and feeling deserving of it on the end. My two truths, “flourish” and “MOST GUYS”, and my one lie, “Lovin’ You”, lyrics I didn’t write, but affirmations I’d like to manifest in my life when God believes I’m ready. 


How Pop Music was Revived with Modern R&B
